Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Guitar Ted Productions Podcast

 Announcing the new 'Guitar Ted Productions Podacst" now on I'm going to be sharing news, things I am up to, details regarding Trans Iowa, the Guitar Ted Death ride Invitational, and the "series" on this blog related to that.

I'll also be posting Riding Gravel radio ranch stuff there as well. You can listen to the latest one of those HERE which features Dave Pryor of the unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley.  OR listen by licking the link below right here.



  1. Hi Mark - any chance you'll have this podcast on the Apple platform?

  2. @DT - Once we get enough episodes up, there will be access via Apple Podcasts and all podcast services.

  3. Hi Mark - Is there any option to download episodes to my mp3 player?

  4. Zach here from We-Cycle in Ames! Despite whatever rumors you may have heard, we're still going strong. Check out our Facebook page at

  5. @Zachary - Hello! yes, N.Y. Roll ran into you at RAGBRAI and told me that you were running We-Cycle yet. Great news!
