Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

G-Ted T.V.? and New Website- Again!!

Well, you all know this is Bike to Work Week, don't you? Well, you should.....BIKE TO WORK, that is!! In a related story, the KWWL early morning show inadvertantly interviewed me, and filmed me riding my bike for a feature on commuting, to possibly air on Thursday morning. Apparently, my disguise as a mild mannered bicycle mechanic put them off thier guard. They really were there to interview my boss, but using my superior mind skills, I weasled my way into the spotlight, once again! YES! Now, only a wise programming whiz at the local T.V. station is standing between me and eternal fame! Or is that "flame", as in flame out, doode! Oh well! Commute on, my brethren! Commute on.

Yes! Another 29 inch wheeled specific website! This time by the good fellows that bring you the goodness that is Blue Collar Mountain Bikes. Check it out at To my knowledge, no animals were harmed, ( or used) in the making of this site!

Better weather is coming! Get out and ride!

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