Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Junk Day

Today was the Nieghborhood Clean-up day up here in the "Church Row" nieghborhood of Waterloo. I was taking advantage of that! Got rid of a washing machine, a mattress, a box spring, and an old toilet! Pretty cool! No dump fee, and a cleaner place. Only bad thing was the washer was in the basement, and I pretty much pushed it up the stairs myself, with a little help from my wife. Those things are HEAVY! how many weekend days have we had cold, rainy, and windy conditions? Like, ever since Trans Iowa?! This is getting really old. Of course, Monday will probably be a beautiful day!

Played at church in the band tonight, and now I'm bushed! Been goin at it since six o'clock this morning, so it's time to chill out. Later!


  1. So...
    Are you going to post a picture of the Monkey and Burley Flatbed loaded down with 200 lbs of cardboard? Dude? That would be Sthweeeeeeeet!

  2. Yeah, that would be cool, except that it RAINED again on Saturday, ruining my plans for that. I have to see about maybe doing it some time later this coming week. If I do, pics will be posted!
