Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Missing Persons Post

Jeff and I were wondering what's up with a few of you out there. Here's a shout out to........

1. dirtram.....Did you live beyond the Ears wedding date?

2. Mr. Ron Saul......You haven't reported to "work" lately? Wuss-sup?

3. The Chad.......understandably pre-occupied with "marital" issues. Congrats!

4. Eduardo the Triathlete........recovery got you down? Nice job at Pig Man Sprint!

Any responses can be directed to Jeff's site, or here. Just.....REACT TO ME, HOMIES!!!


  1. Hey Teddy
    Don't worry, I am a faithful reader of yours,never miss a day. I could just never post a comment because I wasn't a member. I bit the bullet and signed up so I could stay in contact. Been staying busy here with selling bikes and getting ready for the wedding. Hope all is well in the CF/Waterloo area.
    "The Chad"

  2. Good to see that you've come out of "lurker" mode, Chad! Again, I wish you well on your wedding, and thanks for reading. We miss you here at Europa! The Man who L.O.W. ( leans on wood) is still driving us nuts!!

    Hope to see you again soon! Good night now!
