Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Fall Planning

Trying to set up the plan for this Fall. Several things are going on that require my attention. It's going to be a busy, busy time!

1. Trans Iowa: The course is pretty much laid out. I have to get out there in the field and verify it's existence, get the turns, markers, and mileage down for the cue sheets, and explore some opportunities for off-road sections. I'm going to have to be out for at least three days. Camping in the fall should be fun, but finding an appropriate weekend will be troublesome!

2. Mondays with Mark: The series of shop clases that our shop puts on for consumers will start a week from tomorrow. It goes on for four consecutive Mondays. Preparation for each hour long session takes time. Printing hand outs, and doing the research makes the classes more interesting for the attendants. Some material overlaps from year to year, which does ease the load somewhat.

3. Jeff being gone: Yes, Mr. 24 is such a hyoooge pain to deal with! Ha ha! He is probably going to be gone about half of the Fall season, what with Interbike, and his foray into the Orient! That means that I'll be covering for him on those weekends he's gone, probably! That all is in the hands of Leans on Wood to decide!

4. Life outside of the shop: I have alot going on with stuff ouside of the shop, also. Two kids, and a wife, being in the church band every other week, and updating this blog all takes time. Interbike is going to really increase the time spent sifting through all of the information that comes out of that to find the stuff worthy of Guitar Ted Productions. And then, trying to winterize the house, fix the stuff that inevitably breaks, and ride my bikes!

Yeah, besides that there isn't really much going on........ya know? Kinda boring 'round here! ( kicks dirt clod).........(sigh!)........umm, well I gotta go. See ya around. Hope you have a great day!

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