Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, December 29, 2005


I am impressed with the reactions, folks! First, a big thanks to Jeff Kerkove for the "sprucing up". (He said the blog needed it!) Any props go to him for the re-do. You know, he does do graphic design work, so check him out if you need anything!

Secondly; I'd like to thank you all for your insightful comments to my recent posts. Many good points were made. I'd like to address some of those now.

As to the comment made that longer endurance races "separate the men from the boys", I'd like to say that in no way did I mean to diminish the accomplishments of the solo rider, or any of the serious, competitive team efforts. I was referencing the riders who are more interested in the atmousphere of camaraderie and revelry than racing. Having said that, the ultra-endurance event would still be a step above, in my opinion, in terms of difficulty. I'm talking about events held off-road at 200 plus miles. Make sense?

The comment on point to point races in terms of the ultra endurance event and the logistical problems that presents to the participants is well taken. However; it should be noted that the issue is being looked at by at least one race promoter. The un-officially named "Flint Hills 200" has set their course as one continuous loop, so that the issue of transportation is nullified. I like the idea, and if it were not for the great relationships we have with the starting and finishing towns in Trans Iowa, I would seriously consider this arrangement.

And now for a reaction not related to this blog..............

Mr. 24 had a great rant on his site concerning the misinformation of consumers by bike shop sales staffers. This hits pretty close to home for me, as I work in a shop. The thing is, it's not just bike shops that do this. I'm not trying to deflect blame here, just pointing out that it's a widespread problem in retail. There are several reasons for why this happens, but the point is that the responsibility resides with the captain of the ship.

If you work in a retail environment that doesn't invest in it's employees- either in training, personal relationships, or monetarily, (hopefully- ALL THREE) then you really cannot expect to see high performance from the employees. You wouldn't run your equipment without proper maintenance if you wanted the best performance, so why would you expect an employee to perform at a high level without the maintenance and training that is required by today's high tech marketplace? Without that input, employees will fill the void with crap!

Of course, the employee has a responsibility to the employer as well. Too many times, it is heard that the employer cannot find suitably motivated, willing, and capable people. That cannot be solved by using the best training, personal relationship skills, or with money. That's a whole 'nuther story there!

Well, enough of that! Glad you all like the new look, (at least I didn't recieve any negative comments) see you later! Ride on!

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