Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

More Drifting........

Not much is happening at the moment that is hitting a nerve here at Guitar Ted Labratories. That's either good, in that things are at peace, somewhat, in the off road world, or it's bad, in that I'm becoming numb. (Not comfortably, though!) Here are some mildly interesting topics for your summer reading pleasure..........

WTB Exi Wolf Tire Review: It's up now on the Biking Hub , so you can check that out now. The header says "Cory" as the author, but it's really me! No.....I didn't assume another identity, or anything goofy like that! Just trust me on this one................( and Cory: If you see this, NO WORRIES! It's not a big deal!)

JHK Rides a 29"er Hardtail to 2nd at Short Track: Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski raced his 29"er hardtail to a second place spot at the recent Deer Valley NORBA National event. There is a pretty cool picture posted on showing JHK at full power on a bike that actually makes him look normal! Said he even liked it on that course, he did. Maybe now we will see that rig get pulled out for duty every once and awhile now. The picture and thread on comes courtesy of JHK's mechanic, who goes by the handle mattmoto on the forum. Thanks!

Diamond Back Intros a New FS Rig: Caution! 26"er news! Yes....I know, but I have a soft spot for Diamond Back, as I owned one back in the day. They have a new rig coming that is supposed to have six inches of travel front and rear. I think it's called the "Mission", and it's pretty cool looking. Hydroformed aluminum chassis, cool subtle paint and graphics, and will come in three models. Six inches of travel is about three too many for around here, so don't look for me to be on one of these soon. For you guys that need that sort of travel, check this bike out! It's pretty cool looking, and coming from Diamond Back, it should be pretty good performing, as well. By the way, it's not on their site yet, since it's an '07 model, but you will be very impressed. It is head and shoulders above anything they have put out in recent years. Trust me, it's very cool!

Raleigh XXIX Update: And now, for some proper 29"er news! The XXIX is in the dealer pipeline now and should be showing up on trails soon. Again, the first shipment is all comitted to filling pre-orders from customers, so don't go getting angry 'cause you can't see one at the bike shop just yet. The second wave of XXIX's is due on these shores next month. Possibly by then there may be some "extras" to stock, but my source says don't count on it. It's a very popular rig in Raleigh's line up. Look for a geared 29"er from Raleigh to be introduced at the On Dirt Demo at Interbike this fall.

And Now...For Some Shop Scuttlebutt: Shop repairs have been flying in and out the door since the weather has gotten really warm, and since RAGBRAI is coming up. Jeff, Carlos, and I have been coming up with some really warped conversations/ ideas whilst working away the hours. It's all under the heading, "You had to be there", because if I tried to relate it to you here, it would be hollow, misunderstood, and stupid. Well.......come to think of it, it might still be all of those things, but I laugh so hard, it makes me hurt sometimes. They, ( whomever "they" are) need to do a reality show based out of a bike shop. It'd be a killer laugh fest! Really! That reminds me, I still am collecting photos for that "shop based photo blog". It's still coming together!

Enjoy your day! Ride a bike! Save gas........don't drive, or ride a bike instead. No.......really!

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