Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Killing The Blog: Is This a Trend?

I've noticed that a few cycling bloggers have been either curtailing their postings or have even in a couple cases, (gasp!) killed the blog! This is an interesting and bold move I think.

For one thing, you might have to try and consider the "bug" that gets into you when you blog. It's not really fair to say it's addictive. Rather say that it's obligatory. If you don't blog one day that you normally would, it's a demon that gnaws at your conscience the rest of the day. Probably not a good thing either. I try to think that I am more of a writer, and that this is my creative outlet. However; there are days when the creativity is on hiatus and I still find myself punching out the keyboard in the morning.

So, I'm intrigued by this undercurrent of rebellion against the shackles of the blogosphere. It seems that there is some sort of siren call there. Is it a call to my ultimate demise or one of freedom, that I can not say right now.

I know one thing, it's tough to get everything squeezed into a 24 hour day. Too much I want to do gets undone. Too much I am supposed to be doing is being neglected. That includes riding a bicycle at times. It's a shame, that's what it is.

The ultimate question is then do I benefit from "killing the blog" or would that just be a meaningless, placebo sort of a gesture for what is really needing to be killed. Hmm.........

Okay, a rather introspective, personal entry today. Here's a bit about 29"ers that fits in though: My Pofahl Custom is sitting half done in the basement while I'm typing are you getting the picture? Maybe this killing the blog thing that Paddy and Paul have done isn't so much a trend, but it might bear looking at a bit more closely. I wonder if they are getting anymore benefit from it?

Maybe I just need a good, long ride!

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