Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday News and Views

Feeling Better: Woke up this morning feeling much better. Whew! That was a rough one, but I'll spare you all the details. Good thing I'm recovered just in time for this............

Frostbike Madness: Yes, it is that time of year again. Frostbike is the annual "open house" gathering that Quality Bicycle Parts invites all of their customers to every February. It started out small, but has grown tall! Now I would liken it to a mini-trade show of sorts, with several vendors in attendance and the main focus being on product showing and seminars. Still, for as big as the "show" has gotten, "Q" keeps it real by offering a free lunch to attendees and having plenty of smiling, helpful staff around the joint for the entire weekend.

I'll be attending some of the "sattelite" events as well. Carlos, who was tagged by Mr 24 to run the Ergon booth while he played on his bike in the Sonoran sun, is taking me up there Friday morning. We'll be making a stop at the Milltown Cycles shop, famous for the 36"er bike, and talking with owner Ben Witt about his latest project. Hopefully I'll get to actually ride it. Then I'll be setting up the Ergon booth, and after that going to a special shindig for Salsa dealers before retiring for the night. Saturday and Sunday will be all Frostbike with Saturday nights activities still up in the air. Stay tuned for updaes and hi-jinx to be reported on throughout the weekend.

When The Dam Bursts: Hey, if you live in the snow bound areas of the United States, you'll get this. The feeling I'm getting is one of pent up frustration with a winter that has been throwing non-stop punches since the beginning of December. Well, now it is mid February, we're looking at more snow and another Artic blast of air with no end in sight. My prediction: A "feeding frenzy" of cyclists will happen once the snow melts and we get our first warm, sunny day. Yep! The bike shops will get slaughtered with "can you repair my bike today?" and other repair demands, the bike paths will be full of glassy eyed, out of shape riders bent on taking in every drop of sunshine they can, and folks will be waking up the day after that sore and hurting. I predict also that there will be a corresponding spike in ibuprofen and gel saddle sales just afterward. Take that to the bank!

Speaking of Snow.....We're supposed to be getting some more today. Rats! I wanted to ride the Badger today, but my Texas bride doesn't take to driving in the white stuff too well, so she may require my expert snow driving skilz today. I suppose it's all good. It is Valentines Day, after all. Be good to your sweetie today, and lay off the chocolate hearts! Ha ha!

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