Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Get Your "Tour" Fix Now!

It is summer time and that could only mean one thing: It's Tour time! If you've been an avid reader of this blog for awhile, you will know that I'm not talking about Le Tour, no....I'm talking about a different tour altogether. This year, it is two tours at once!

Okay, so here's the deal for those who are new to all of this. There has been a race along the Great Divide running from the Canadian border to the Mexican border for several years now. This event is commonly referred to as the "GDR". This year there is a concurrent (or nearly so) race/tour going on that also includes a Canadian section of the Great Divide Route called Tour Divide.

Both events feature self supported athletes on bicycles following cue sheets outlined by Adventure Cycling . The cyclists must stay on the route as it is given by Adventure Cycling and must figure out their own logistics for food and shelter. Both events have their own blogs where the athletes progress can be checked out. (See hyperlinks in the second paragraph)

Both events got started earlier this month, but there is still a lot of time to get caught up into the daily dramas that are unfolding right now out there in the Rocky Mountains. Most participants are still in Montana and Wyoming with a few of the Tour Divide leaders in Colorado as of yesterday. It's like a cycling version of soap opera, only for real!

Several interesting stories are unfolding out there including Mary Collier's attempt at Tour Divide and Jen Hopkins, a 30 year old female from the U.K. who is attempting the GDR on a single speed and killing it! There is a lot more than this, we've got a racer dealing with the sudden illness of his beloved 13 year old dog, flat tire sagas, and more. It is riveting reading and I find it all great stuff.

Check it out over the coming weeks and see if you don't feel the same way. Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't pass along my respect and best wishes to all those who toed the line at both the GDR and Tour Divide events this year. Allez!

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