Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, July 28, 2008

Attention: Your Summer Is Almost Over!!

<=== I've been busy testing different forks on my OS Bikes Blackbuck.
Hey! Take a look at your calendar. Yep! It's almost time to start looking for your wool and long fingered gloves folks. Like it or not.
At least you've got a little time for one more shot at summer time fun before you head off to school, put your kids back into school, or before you have to start tuning up your snow blower!
One more chance at doing that "insert rides name here" while you still can wear a short sleeve jersey and have days long enough to pack it in there. Of course, some of you are just itching to get your lights out and start night riding, so I know not everyone is dreading the shorter days ahead.
Me? I'm looking at two possibilities for events in August. I'm still not sure if either will happen. One has a better possibility than another, but I can't say today that I'll be doing either of them. Family details may prevent that. However that goes, I'm okay with it, since September will be Interbike, and I'll be gone for a whole week. Having a quiet month might be just what I need on the bike side of things. We'll see.
I'll still be doing my "fork testing". That will be mostly done on my Wednesdays and weekends. A few other things test-wise will be going on too. However; I'll have to start fitting in some preparations for winter concerning the house. I know it'll be getting cooler sooner than later.
Finally there is this other thing I have in mind. I haven't made an "official" announcement yet, but let's just say that there are things going on concerning this that if the day comes that I do announce "it" I'll be plenty busy. I don't want to have to be sitting around all winter not being able to do things in advance. (Not that we would have another winter like last years, but you never know) So, if things happen that I would press the go button one more time, I'll be a busy bee for awhile before winter sets in!

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