Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, July 31, 2008

In Search Of Captain Bob's Berm

Wednesday found me in ride/testing mode again, so I headed out to the Camp's south side for a couple loops. One of the highlights of the south side trail is the bermed turn Captain Bob labored on. Thus, I have dubbed it Captain Bob's Berm. I was looking forward to railing it during my planned two laps.

The test rig, my OS Bikes Blackbuck, was now fitted with a Bontrager Race X Lite Switchblade fork. This is now the third fork on the Blackbuck for my test on Twenty Nine Inches. I got it installed right before I left for the ride. It looks pretty good on the rig, I must say.

I also sported my new Team Dicky sleeveless jersey. It's pretty cool looking and the hope was that the lack of sleeves would help keep me going in the ultra humid conditions out at the Camp. A little Viking/single speed mojo never hurt either!

Well, I got out there and made my way into the drippy, dank woods. It seemed wetter than last weekend there, perhaps they got rain we didn't get, I don't know. The ground was nigh unto muddy- super tacky, lets call it. Good thing there is a fair amount of sand in the soil there as it kept my tires from "balling up" in black mud.

One loop almost completed and still no berm. Hmmm...... I got dumped out on the road going up into the woods from the main road, about a 100 yards from the car. I decided I must have missed the berm somehow. How I didn't know. Well, it was time for a break anyway and I had a squeaky front rotor to deal with. After adjusting the caliper and pads a bit, I went off again, backwards this time, to find Captain Bob's Berm.

After traversing the whole circuit again, I still hadn't found the berm, nor had I eliminated the squeak from my rotor. So, another pit stop was in order. I finally got that caliper/pad adjustment squared away. This time, instead of trying to do it in semi-lighted conditions, I went out to the gravel road where there was bright sunshine. It sure helps if you can see things!

I've got to say that by this time I was a sweaty mess. It was sooo humid out there, I was completely soaked and dripping with sweat. I knew that two water bottles wasn't going to cut it if I was to go much more, but the berm called me, and I had to find it! So, away I went with a plan in mind. Sure enough, I did finally find it. Not before I had almost completed a third lap though. I railed the very wet, slimy turn with a snap of the rear end at the apex. There! Mission accomplished, now it is time to get outta here!

Well, I made a wrong turn, half dazed from the heat and by now, very hungry! I ended up doing another complete lap before getting back to the service road and out of the woods. I was zapped by the heat and super hungry. But it was good times. The Camp trails are not marked yet, and there are a couple of connectors that I didn't know about. Also remembering that I have only ridden these trails twice before, two years apart, and it's no wonder it took me awhile to get my bearings. Not like some places that have signs and maps to go by. Hey, getting a little lost makes it more of an adventure, I say!

I'll be back again, and I'll have pictures next time. Oh! Didn't I tell you? I accidentally erased all my images on my camera once I got home. Too bad too. I looked pretty dang good in that sleeveless jersey!

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