Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Friday, December 05, 2008

Trans Iowa: It Is Time To Write Down The History.

The people have spoken! The history of Trans Iowa and related hoo-hah will be gathered together in one place for all to enjoy.
I want to thank all of you that e-mailed me and commented about this. It was all very encouraging. The offers to help and contribute may be called in at some point, but that will be down the road a bit. How long and where this road goes, I am not sure just yet.
I have started on the project already and there are things in the works as of now. Here's how I see this all coming together......
Backround and Beginnings: There will be some information laid out that will give readers the story of how this whole nut bag of an event even took off. The ideas that formed Trans Iowa will be discussed a bit, and early hiccups and mistakes will all be included for the world to see.
Year By Year accounts: There will be a page for every year that Trans Iowa has run that will include facts from each years event, stories on preparations, stories surrounding each event from the directors perspectives, and a run down of each event as it unfolded. There may be a picture or two as well.
Results and Rosters: There will be a page dedicated to the names and accomplishments of T.I. veterans.
Linkage: There will be a massive links page that will direct you to all the stories and photo galleries on T.I. events that we can find. This will also include a link to a "sample route" that will be the route I mentioned in yesterday's post. This will be drawn from the first three Trans Iowa events and run across the entire state.
As you can see, it will be a big project, an ambitious undertaking. But.....that's how all Trans Iowa related things are for me! This will be a long time in coming, but my hope is to get it up and operational within a month to two months. At that time, it will go live and I will be in a position to gather info, and ask for that help that was offered yesterday. So, you ain't off the hook here!
Actually, I did some research and a lot of this stuff I already have, or know where to go get it from. It's just a matter of assembling it all in a cohesive manner. We'll see how that goes!
Okay folks! Trainer time, or go outdoors if you dare! Me? Hmm........I'm thinking Fargo adventure, but we'll see about that. Keep on ridin'!

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