Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting Back Into The Groove

Well it is Friday again. Wahoo! Time to look at what is goin down for the weekend and beyond.....

GTDRI Recon: I got out of a responsibility for Saturday morning/early afternoon, so I think I really need to get some recon of the Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational out of the way. I know my planned route, and I can't wait to actually ride the thing. It should be awesome. Here's some tasty tid bits of what it will be.....

Echo Valley State Park will be the launching off point. Then we will be following parts of the T.I.V4 and T.I.V3 routes going by the Volga Recreation Area, and then on into Wadena, Ia. From there I plan on going through Volga, Iowa- still on the T.I.V4 route, and then veering off to Strawberry Point. From there I want to go up through Edgewood, Bixby State Preserve, and northwards to Garber. This part of the route will be on roads reconned for T.I.V4 that were not used due to the shortened course that year, or were edited out before the final route was chosen that year. Then I plan on going over some "virgin gravel", heading westward back to Echo Valley State Park and the end of the ride.

So, that's the plan, but plans can change, so stay tuned!

Trying To Find Some Time: Okay, can I say that June will be gone in a flash? Sheesh! I have a lot going on this month, and stuff to get done around the house that has been neglected since who knows when. I have to get riding again on a normal schedule, and doing web work. Nuts I say! Plain craziness.

Vacation was fun. It was needed. But getting back into the groove after that disruption is tough. I hope I can find the rhythm again, 'cause I need to get crackin'!

Well, I hope ya'all have a great weekend, and ride those bicycles!

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