Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rain Delay

Well, this weekend was a bit of a washout. I awoke Saturday to a strange feeling as if I had tied one on the night before.....but I hadn't! I was a bit baffled and the feeling never really went away all day Saturday. I figured I better take it easy, so I relaxed at home most of the day. Not that I could have ridden off road anyway, what with all the rain Friday night/Saturday morning. That pretty much dictated that it would have been a gravel grinder, but that wasn't to be.

Sunday I played in the church band and of course, we were rained on quite heavily off and on most of the day. I felt better, but still not 100%. Oh well, I hope the weather man is right and we get all that hot sunshine for the rest of the week.

So another weekend shot and I didn't really get much accomplished. Oh, yeah....I did do some writing and a bit of wrenching in the Lab, but that was all I could muster.

2010: The "Year Of The Carbon Fiber 29"er": Yep! I can't believe all the carbon fiber that has hit the big wheeled world. Here's a short list that I am sure will get added to in the coming month or two: Niner, Jamis, Fisher, and Santa Cruz. All are introducing new carbon fiber models to be available for 2010. While it may seem weird that all of these ultra-spenderiffic rigs are coming out now, keep in mind that the plans were laid long before the big recession, so it might make a bit more sense in that light. Still, I find it hard to believe that all this carbon fiber is going to get sold in 2010. Maybe I'm just being short sighted, I dunno!

It has been awhile since I declared an "Official 29"er Color" too. For a few years it was green. Every new 29"er seemed to have a green color. Then it was blue. Now, I am saying that "carbon" is going to be the "Official 29"er Color" at least for next year. For awhile it appeared that "gray" might be that color, but all the titanium rigs that were being promised sort of fizzled. Only the Lynskey Ridgeline ever really made a big impact. That could change, but for now, I'm betting on carbon fiber.

On another interesting note, I see that the Raleigh single speed cross bike, which was a Rainier Beer themed rig last season, is coming back with another "beer" oriented theme. This time it is Miller High Life that will be parodied on the head tube at least. I saw a skiff of it on Cyclocross Magazine today, so be on the lookout for that.

Now if we could just get on with riding again and get rid of this rain!

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