Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bike Shop Tales: Big Changes

Last week I left off with the story about my Mechanics 101 class. This time we go back for a little backround.....

As was stated last time, I was a jeweler by trade. I designed custom jewelry, oversaw its production, was a trained gemologist, and wore suits and ties everyday for about ten years. Bicycling and fishing were my two hobbies. I spent tons of time in the jewelry store, so when I got outta there, I played hard. Even though I had been married for a couple of years, that didn't slow me down any, but one day that all changed in a flash.

I went into work, as usual. Then I was "asked to come into the office". Well, if you've ever had that happen to you, you know what is coming next. I was fired. Never really ever found out why, and after this long, I don't care anymore. Thing is, at that time, I was gutted. I was out on the street and didn't have a clue as to why, or where it was I was going to go next.

So I hit the ol' unemployment line, got the low down on the way to get my checks, and hit the streets. I had to "make an effort" to find a job daily. What a farce! I tried to utilize the so-called "services" available to help unemployed folks find new employment. No one at the Job Services was helping me at all. I guess it was in their best interest to keep a steady flow of unemployed folks coming in the door, because if they helped us all find jobs, they would be out of one. Great!

One of my stops in "finding a job" (read: Making sure I got my unemployment check) was the bike shop. Advantage Cycles was always my last stop of the day, since I liked hanging out there. I would soak up all I could, watch the mechanics, and shoot the breeze with the owner, Tom. They had lots of time to spend with me too, since it was the off season and all. Well, one day Tom offered me a job. It wouldn't pay as much as my old job, but I didn't care. I was super pumped to not only have a job again, but have a job at something I really enjoyed.

It had been about three months of unemployment, but now with winter waning I was going to go back to work again! I was really looking forward to this new opportunity. Tom set up a time for me to come in for my "introduction" and to start my training. I couldn't wait!

Next week: Making A "Good" Impression.

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