Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, March 15, 2010

Seems Like Summer!

Well, I am in weather now that seems like summer. El Paso, Texas is usually sunny, warm, and pretty decent this time of year, although it can get a bit windy. (It was pretty windy coming in today) Anyway, it is 72 degrees and sunny during the days now. Just about primo.

I don't have my pics downloaded yet, but surprisingly, I got some halfway decent shots of a Kansan sunset and some mountains just north of El Paso today. I'll share more later, but right now, I am about cooked from almost 1300 miles of driving in the last two days through rain, fog, and wind.

I'll be sporadically posting throughout the week, so I apologize for those who might find a morning post missing here or there!

Stay tuned............


  1. Glad you made it safely. Hope you get rested cause we need to see some summer biking posts soon!

  2. Have a great vacation GT. :)
