Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Wheel Sets Out, One Set In!

Wednesday I moved two wheel sets from the Lab out to happy owners. It was part of the plan to reduce the mountain of stuff piling up down there. Hopefully I can continue to thin things down there in a wise manner.

Then I got a notice that a box had shown up at work. I went down to pick it up and it turned out to be another wheel set for testing on Twenty Nine Inches.  Okay, cool!

They are the new 2010 Sun/Ringle' Charger Pro 29 wheels. These wheels are pretty pimpy. Look for a full breakdown on them coming soon on TNI.

Other exciting news from Wednesday was my invite to a Shimano technical seminar on 2011 MTB product up in Minneapolis. I guess I'll be seeing stuff and not being able to talk about it. How do I know this? Well, I had to sign a two page legal-ese document that says I can't talk about it, that's how I know! More on that...........someday!

Then to top it all off, I had an excellent meeting with Oakley super-rep and all around cool cycling cat, Rob V. We brainstormed up some awesome details on the Oakley "O-Down At The Barn" and for Rob's M- C.O.G.G  Ride that will take place on Saturday of Trans Iowa, April 24th. I'll spill the beans on all of this in my usual Saturday T.I.V6 post, so stay tuned. I am super stoked for the T.I.V6 weekend. Wait till you read the details! I think ya'all will be stoked too.


  1. Dude, you are becoming a rockstar :)

    Can't wait to see how those Charger's shake out and I would LOVE to know what Shimano is up to. I have heard lots of things...

  2. Them there wheels look pretty sharp!
