Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, April 12, 2010

Of Hope And Promise

<===That white patch out there isn't snow, it is flowers!

Spring has sprung and all that cliche' stuff. Yup! And I am really enjoying it. Maybe it was the unusually snowy, long, cold winter, but something seems special about this past week and being able to witness the opening of spring.

Sometimes it seems as though it is like one of those fading neon signs, you know.....the ones that change color. The ground kind of fades from brown to a light shade of green. Then the green intensifies. Nothing else has really changed since fall but the greening of the ground cover. It's kind of neat. Now the ground-scape will really start to change shape as plants begin their annual shooting up. Before long, the green will take over, and the contours of the landscape will be lost in a cacophony of wild plants and trees which will screen off the views through the woods.

<===The confluence of Quarter Mile Section Creek and the Cedar River.

I was taking lots of brief opportunities to spy out the places that would later be too difficult to get to later in the spring and summer. I went down along the bank of the Cedar and saw the eagle's nest on the west side bank. Nobody was home today, and later I saw one of the pair soaring over the south section of the Camp.

I wasn't out long today, as I had only a brief amount of time to spend on this glorious day. And it was a glorious one. Just about perfect in temperature, no bugs, (yet!), and being out in the woods sheltered me from the wind. Good stuff and I was glad to get out even just for a bit.

<===Stars In The Grass

The bonus was that the first little flowers of the year were opening all over the floor of the woods and I got the chance to ride here when they were in bloom. I may seem a bit odd to some folks, but I really like flowers, and I have zero talent to grow them, so when I get to see them in the wild, I feel like it is something special. I like them anyway.

I hope that you were able to enjoy some time out on a bicycle too.


  1. Great looking singletrack Ted! Wish I could have been on some this weekend but too busy at home. Soon though.....

  2. I had to catch up for about 5 hours at work....but your photo's made me feel like i got out a it- thanks! I'm told Ulrich is looking good- we'll have to see.

    Is that a new Ti El Mariachi?

  3. @Rich: Not an El Mariachi. It is a Lynskey though, so very similar. This is the Pro 29 single speed model. Helix down and top tubes. Rides nicely!

  4. Man, if the Pro29 rides anything like the Ti El Mariachi (which I wouldn't be surprised if it did), I'm sure you're an awfully happy guy... I absolutely LOVE my new Ti Salsa. It's everything I expected it'd be. Salsa's awesome geometry has played out perfectly in titanium and I couldn't be happier. It totally shreds singletrack!

    Glad to see you're gettin' some good doses of skinny trails too... It's time to ride, brother!!
