Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dirty Kanza 200 Training Log: Weekend Daze

Saturday was a ride up at Cedar Bend. I was out testing a rig for the site and found out that the humididty and bugs were out in full force, turning the cool, crisp air we had been running around in into a full on summer feel. Funny thing too because just a couple days prior I was wishing I had booties on it was so cool while I was riding. I'm betting it'll be awhile before I feel that way again.

The other thing was that my legs were toast. I was feeling the fatigue of riding more with not a lot of sleep. I pretty much had to stay in plunk around mode to make the climbs and recover afterwards. It was all good though. I did some exploring, and have some ideas floating around my head that may have to be acted on someday soon.

I've been testing an Osprey Raptor 10 for The Cyclist lately. It's kind of ironic that d.p. also recently got one of the same models. So far its been working great. This is going to be part of my Dirty Kanza gear, in a departure from my past years strategy. I was trying to get all the weight off my back, and last year I did, but I discovered that I still got bit by back problems none the less, so this year is going to be a completely different set up.

Sunday I took off as a rest day. Too much running around and stressing about other stuff. So I just shut everything down for a day. Re-charge the batteries, and go at it again on Monday was my thought. I've got a big ride in the planning stages right now, and hopefully I'll be able to pull it all off and get a dry run in before going down to Kansas soon. Hopefully I can also get accustomed to this hazy air and muggy temperatures before I get there too.

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