Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Trans Iowa V6 Race Report: Post Race

After we arrived in Grinnell once again we downloaded a few items and headed out to the Barn where we had directed folks to go for the evening. The weather by this time was crazy. The rain was blowing sideways and coming so hard we could hardly make out the road going in.

<===L to R: Joe Meiser, Charles Parsons, and John Gorilla. Hanging out at The Barn.

Once we arrived, a small but enthusiastic crowd was hanging out, sharing stories and drinking a few "adult beverages". We stayed for a few hours, downloaded prizing to various folks that were in attendance, and bugged out for a good nights rest. By the way, no one got "The Stone" for this year's event. Meiser and Gorilla decided that we should turn it into the T.I.V7 stone, so we will be doing that.

We also had a little critical input time. I invited the racers to voice any concerns or ways that they would like to see Trans Iowa changed. We got a pretty good suggestion regarding registration we will be seriously considering this coming fall. Otherwise it seemed things were "thumbs up" with everyone in attendance.

It was great to get to hang out with the racers that made their way out in the very less than ideal conditions. Rob Versteegh set it up beautifully and the barn was awesome. Thanks Rob! It really was too bad the weather kept folks away because we had a blast out there.

The next day we set out to get home to our families, but not before we were thanked several times by racers also making their way home. It was all very much appreciated and we are encouraged by all of you guys and gals. So that was it. The end of a whirlwind, shortened, but exciting Trans Iowa V6 that will be remembered for the crazy weather, tough road conditions, and high attrition rate.

There are a lot of quotes and stories about Trans Iowa and why this type of event, which seems like crazy, stupid pursuit, attracts the loyalty and enthusiasm it does. One of my all time favorites is a quote from T.I.veteran Dennis Grelk and seems a fitting way to end this tale:

"It's like a train wreck in many ways. You can see the imminent disaster coming from a long ways off, the witnesses can't look away, and the participants can't seem to escape it."

Next: Some Final Thoughts on T.I.V6 before I move on...........

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