Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, July 05, 2010

All Washed Up

Well, if not for deciding at the last minute to check out the July 3rd fireworks in Waterloo, and an errand ran on my fixed gear bike the same day, this weekend would have been a big washout. Rain returns and with the stuff being flung from the sky at intermittent intervals, it pretty much shot my ride plans for the 4th up like a cheap bundle of Missouri fireworks.

I will say that I got an extended ride in on the fixie and with all the back pressure I was applying to control my speed, I managed to put a burn in my legs that lasted all through Sunday! Funny how that works. I don't know if any of you regular fixie guys can testify to that feeling, but I know it happens whenever I work my legs in that way that only a fixed gear bike can.

The other thing I seem to find is that whenever I ride a "skinny" tired bike, (skinny for me is 40mm or less), I seem to get a flat tire. Yes, I flatted Saturday. Makes me not like them thar skinny tires, it does! But they is fast on the pavement, they is!

The fireworks were pretty crazy in Waterloo.Well, at least at the end they were. I think it was somewhat like a ammunition dump explosion more than a fireworks display, but at any rate, it was most impressive. I don't think I've seen that much smoke in the air since that Pink Floyd concert I went to in The Dome back in the 80's. But that was a smoke from a different fire there!

So, Monday is an extension of the holiday for me, as I am sure it is for many of you. I sure hope I can salvage a ride out of this extended three day weekend, but if not, I'll just go and recon some of the Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational route. If you have the day off, I hope you have a good one. If not, well..............Happy Monday!


  1. Yep,fixies are like that,GT,haha! I don't get on one enough to be considered a regular,but that's the way my legs feel each and every time =)

    We had a grand ol time ober the weekend as well...5+ hour gravel grinder up in KY yesterday (lotsa breaks to enjoy the vibe),family fun all eve,then fireworks.

    As for Monday...since I'm the designated "housewife" 'round here now,technically I'm always off Mondays now-a-days (and always a "little off" everyday ;) ),hahaha!

    Hope the sprinkler system slacks off enough for ya to get in a good ride,Brother,ahppy trails =)


  2. I may run an errand on the fixie again today, but I am busy trying to complete a group swap in The Lab today. Hopefully I can get it completed for a ride tomorrow!

    Have a Happy Monday.
