Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday News And Views

<==White Walls!

I was as surprised by the fact that Origin 8 branded 29"er tires were available as anybody, and I ordered some straight away. Due to the rather confusing and sometimes cryptic descriptions in J&B's catalog, I wasn't really sure what the things would look like when I got them. In fact, I thought these would have grey sidewalls. Hmm.........I'm thinking that's a white side wall. Yup! I'm pretty sure that is white. 
So, look for a 29"er "pimp-mo-bile" to be hittin' the trails soon! And if you are wondering what bike these will go on, well, everyone knows white walls and black go together!

 Introducing the latest Trans Iowa V7 sponsor, Hiawatha Cyclery, from the Twin Cities area. The shop specializes in some cool rigs that fit right in with the gravel road scene. Not only that, but one of the proprietors, Jim Thill, has thrown his name into the hat for T.I.V7 by way of his having been a volunteer for T.I.V6. (Anyone wanting to Volunteer gets a free pass for the next T.I.) I would like to thank Hiawatha Cyclery and Jim Thill for the support of Trans Iowa V7.

Speaking of Trans Iowa, there will be some gravel ground this weekend in an effort to tack on some more mileage to the route. We've got a rough guess as to where the ends will meet and then maybe we can get the whole deal done before the snow flies. That would be unheard of!

The next piece of the T.I.V7 pie will be the announcement of registration details for the Veterans and Rookies. Keeping in mind that we're taking the volunteers out of the equation in regards to the 100 roster spots, we have had 15 spots claimed by finishers. If you take out that number from 100 you get 85 spots left over and split that into two parts and you have 42/43 for Rookies/Veterans to get in. We've got two more weeks to go for the Finishers to take their place on the roster. Final numbers will be figured November 1st, but I think we'll have a healthy amount of spots left over, and we should be good to go as far as a chance to get in for those who want in.

Keep in mind that details have not been released and registration will not happen until mid-November! Don't send me anything.....yet!

Have a great weekend and ride those bicycles!!!

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