Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, January 01, 2011

2011 New Year's "Ride-O-Lutions" List

I could list all the usual suspects for a New Year's Day post. Resolutions, yada, yada, yada........

No way! I'm listing my "Ride-O-Lutions for 2011"!

So, here are my thoughts going into 2011 for riding goals. These are in absolutely no particular order.

---More Night Time Gravel Rides: These rides with "d.p." were a highlight for me of 2010's riding season. I want more of that.  We had purposed that this would be a weekly thing. Maybe it should be. Anybody game?

---Dirty Kanza 200: While the official registration has not been opened yet, I have already been asked to return to this sufferfest by the promoters of the event. So, this has become a centerpiece of the early season for me in 2011.

---Ride In The Twin Cities: I got up there three times in 2010. I want to get up there at least that many times, and preferably more, in 2011. I have good friends up there, and the riding is spectacular..

---Ride In Wisconsin: Yeah, it is a general, vague goal, but I do have some specific thoughts here. I know two fellas that have been pestering me for years, (literally), to come and sample the riding in their state. Also, there are a few big ride opportunities there I could take advantage of if the chips all fall in the right places. We'll see, but Wisco is on my radar for 2011.

---Gravel World Championships: Lincoln, Nebraska- awesome cycling fiends, and killer gravel roads. More than enough reasons to get back to Nebraska to ride the PCL's Gravel Worlds. But there should also be another ride or three in Nebraska on their fine single track. If I can, I want to do that too.

---Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational: I have a plan to move this ride again. It's going to be more centrally located in Iowa. Probably in Jasper County, or Tama County. I have routes already done. Campgrounds are already on my radar. Basically, wherever the ride is held, I just want to finish it this year!

---Faribault Rides: My good friend Ben Witt lives in Northfield, and works his shop in Faribault. I want to get up there and ride with him a few times in 2011. The Rawland Fall Tour of 2010 was so spectacular, for instance, that I just feel like I need to tap into more of that good stuff there in 2011.

---And More?: Will there be any time for more? ha! I don't know. I'm sure other opportunities will crop up, and maybe some of these rides I am thinking of today just won't happen in 2011, but others unplanned for will. One thing I do know- This year is a big deal to me for personal reasons. I want to celebrate it with gusto. Hopefully I get to share that with as many of you that I know that I can. And I hope to meet even more new folks while riding bikes in 2011 as well.

Happy New Year!


  1. Ride-O-Lutions is a good word.

    Am glad I chanced upon your blog; I was searching for a good roadbike. Wanted to know what are the parameters to judge one...

    I've read a few posts already and am now following your thoughts through Google Reader.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year Mark and I'll just say that I WILL catch up with you on one or more of these rides!

  3. Mark - Great to read that you want to get out there and ride more this season. I hope we can match up on a regular basis for riding around here - especially at the Camp.

  4. Happy New Year, Brother? I'm glad to read that you plan to be in Lincoln a few times, and that we'll see each other several other times, at the Kanza, T.I. & likely many other rides throughout the year.

    Look forward to seeing you soon.


  5. Happy New Year G.T. and thanks for doing so much for cycling. Catch up with you in April.
    best to you and your family,


  6. @Everyone: Thanks for all the well wishes. I hope that you all get miles of smiles throughout 2011.
