Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Okay, So I Had This Idea For A Gravel Road Race....Part IV

<===I like the  "team aspect " of The Renegade Gentleman's Race "

Getting back to an idea I was bandying about last March, (see post here), I wanted to throw out some more ideas and get back up to speed with where my head is at on this idea.

First off, there are only a few vague details I am certain will be part of this, and to recap, here they are in no particular order.....

  • It will be a three day, (likely Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday), event to start out with.
  • It doesn't necessarily have to all be in Iowa, be in Iowa at all, or it could all be in Iowa. The route is open for discussion at this point.
  • It will not be run by Guitar Ted. I may or may not end up having a hand in this. If it never gets anywhere, I am okay with that. 
  • It must be a free event, self supported, and self navigated. There may be some modification to this dependent upon the final formatting of the event.
  • My part will be as an adviser/facilitator person to get the idea off the ground. Why? Because I have enough irons in the fire, and I just want to see something like this take off. 
I have some things to throw out there as to the formatting of the event that might make it more interesting. These include, but are in no way limited to the following:
  • Having the Friday portion, or "stage", if you will, be a night time event. 
  • Perhaps include an individual time trial.
  • Perhaps have the entire event be based on 3-5 man teams that must ride together at all times. 
  • Perhaps make one stage a "criterium", which could come into and go out of a small town, making it spectator friendly. 
  • Riders or teams could accumulate "points", not necessarily based on time, or the event could be about time, or it could be about both, featuring "bonuses". 
  • There could be "preems". 
Basically, it would be a gravel racin' shindig for three days. Maybe if it really took off, somewhere down the road it could be a week long deal. I think a weekender makes sense to shoot for out of the gate.

Want to talk about it? Shoot me an e-mail, or show up at the GTDRI and we can chat. For now, I'll let the idea simmer till after the GTDRI happens, and then I'll make a decision for myself as to where I will be going from that point. In the meantime, if I hear about others that are going to "borrow" this idea, it is okay, just give me some credit for inspiration. That's all I ask.

Ride on!


  1. I think the idea of a varied, three event race is great. I would for sure try to make it.

  2. Charity themed funtions seem to be succesful in New England. Do you ever post pics of the Iowa landscape? Sounds Interesting. Thank you.

  3. @Herringbone: Sometimes I have stuff posted from my rides. Landscape shots from my gravel road travels.
