Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, May 08, 2011

The Dirty Kanza 200 Chronicles; Life Happened

<===Congratulating an exhausted Charlie Farrow at the end of T.I.V7

It has been a long two weeks or so since I've been here with anything about the Dirty Kanza 200 event. A lot has happened since last I wrote about it.

Obviously, Trans Iowa happened and that took a big bite out of training time. Being stressed during that time about things surrounding the event took its toll, but surprisingly, I came out the other side in decent shape, really. I have had some coming back to do, but nothing like I thought I might have.

But there are things bigger than bicycling events, believe it or not. My family being one of those things. Well, something has come up- an opportunity- that I can not pass, so I am afraid the Dirty Kanza dream will remain just that.

I'll be taking my kids and Mrs. Guitar Ted to see her folks in Texas instead, starting the very weekend of the DK 200. They don't get to see their family down there very often, and a vacation time came up for my wife, and we had to take that, or leave it.

The choice was obvious.

So, this ends my ramblings on the Dirty Kanza 200. I wish everyone that makes it down there well, and I hope you all can finish of the ride, be safe, and have a good time. Thanks for reading about my lead up to this awesome event.


  1. Mark,
    Enjoy your family, I'm sure they missed you during all the planning for "that race." I know mine missed me while I was prepping for it. There are things that are bigger than our bikes and all that surround them and those things are absolutely wonderful.


  2. Right on. Family first!

  3. that's a great photo...will miss you at the dk

  4. @mw: Likewise, I'll miss seeing you and the other people I know.

  5. Thanks, that's mine. And keep doing the good work, GT.

  6. That one's mine. I think it's hilarious of Farrow. Keep on keepin on, GT.
