Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gravel On The Menu: Soon.....

Well, with the bum knee I obtained recently, there will be a definite shift to doing some heavy gravel road work in my future. That should be okay, given that I have a fair amount of recon riding ahead of me for the GTDRI, which will be at the end of July.

I suspect I'll be finally putting those Geax Evolution tires to rock then, and riding a fair bit on the new Salsa Cycles Cowbell II bars I recently got in to try out. Then I will be spin, spin, spinning away the miles on gravel to rehab the knee and not put too much force on it for a bit.

And as for that knee, it is swollen, gets stiff, gets "loosey-goosey", and is sometimes aches beyond words. If I stay on the Advil regimen, it sometimes feels perfectly normal. Basically, I think it is just inflamed, bruised, and ticked off at me for the time being.  The hole I punched through to the knee cap is closed now, so that skin should be repairing itself, and there are no worries with that. Mrs. Guitar Ted made sure there would be no chances for infection, that's for sure!

I have been walking on it a bit, just to keep active, but alternating that with some ice, and some elevation of the leg at times. However; it mostly has been either walking, or sitting around taking it easy. Hard to do with two mountain bikes and some awesome technical trails that I don't get to ride on just any ol' time staring me in the face every day I am here. 

So, pretty soon I will be getting back at it, but with a bit different focus for awhile. Gravel. It's what's on the menu....


  1. Dang! Sure hope it gets better soon.

  2. Is it a trick of angles, or is that Black Mountain 69in'?

  3. @Travel Gravel: Both wheels are the same size. Velocity A-23's, by the way.

  4. Still sending thoughts and prayers,Brother,hope you heal fast!
