Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Death Ride Cookies

The Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational will be taking off on July 30th from Hickory Hills County Park. As you all know that are interested, this is essentially a "no rider left behind" type, gravel group ride. It will cover approximately 102 miles of mostly Tama County gravel.

A couple of points I wanted to make about the ride; First, it is free, and self-supported. We'll be going through towns at Mile 20 and Mile 60 where you'll be able to supply yourself for the gravelly goodness. No sag. No "bail out" plan provided. You are responsible for yourself.

Secondly, one of the folks that has committed to attending has decided he wants to bring everyone cookies for munching on. I suppose you could call them "Death Ride Cookies"!

Well, in order to help this fella out, can we get a "roll call" of people thinking about attending, so he knows approximately how many cookies to bring. Just hit the comments section for this, and I'll forward on the number to him.

Thanks, and look for more details on the GTDRI coming soon! (Such as cues for the ride: GO HERE)


  1. Count me in also.

  2. It looks like I have been granted the permission of the Gods as well. I'm in! Woohoo!!

  3. @All: Stoked to have you all come! I'll make sure the "cookie maker" gets updated!

  4. Sorry for the late response. Hopefully I can actually finish this ride.

  5. Two from Michigan are coming!
