Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chukkin' Wood

Cedar River and a Sortie
Finally! I got out for a mountain bike ride at The Camp yesterday. I hit up the North Side first, since it's been like forever since I've ridden over there.

Seems like it's been forever since anyone has ridden over there! I was chukkin' wood off the trail every 20 yards once I cleaned the service road to the top of the big hill. Progress was slow, and getting re-started on Broken Finger isn't all that easy.

Now I've ridden in a lot of places, but I'll tell ya what- Those opening salvos on Broken Finger are about as technical as it gets anywhere. The twisting chute down, the immediate up over big, exposed roots, and then the nearly 180 degree switchback on really off camber ground make you pay real good attention! That section always works me over good, but it is great for sussing out a new test rig.

Of course, then it dumps you down, down, and eventually to the river. I decided to check on the eagle's nest. Yup! Still there, but nobody was home. Then it was up onto the sandy ridge for some riding, back over behind the swimming pool, and down and back out again to the truck. It was all good but for the August spider that didn't heed the change in calendar nor the weather. A big, nasty Sheila it was too. Gah!

Fall. Game on!

Then I headed over to the South Side, which is much faster, more flowy, and free from spiders!

Fall has hit this section of woods and the colors are just coming on. It was cool-ish, and the wind was blowing leaves loose. I rode swiftly around corners as the leaves fluttered down to the single track.

The sky had that funny, filtered light through an overcast cloud cover that just speaks Fall to me. I love this time of year in the woods.

It seems that the colors have kicked in a tad early to me. Maybe Fall won't last all that long. All I know is that every time I can ride in the woods the next month or so, I'm going. It's Fall. Game on! 


  1. Good to hear of you riding AND riding at the Camp. Check out the TT this Sat. morning.

  2. I think I rode that section during an IORCA race a few years ago. I recall that 180 degree switchback on the hill. I had issues with that, and the rock garden (among other things).
