Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, November 21, 2011

Going To The End And Back

Getting my "fat legs" ready for winter.
Sunday I was able to scoot out for a quick ride. I haven't been on gravel for a long time, and I really wanted to do that, but I didn't have enough time.

This had to be a quick ride, and my second objective was a perfect match. I hadn't been out to the end of the Green Belt trails in a while, so I wanted to do that before the snow flew again. Now was my chance.

The Green Belt trails are close to where I live. I can easily ride over there and get on the trail that runs along the Black Hawk Creek for several miles southwestward. This is where, back in the late 80's, I learned how to ride a bicycle off road too, so I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the place, even though there is nothing very spectacular about the area, or the trails. Well......that is unless you look very closely for it.  The Green Belt doesn't smack you upside the head with a vast vista, or an engaging geological feature, but if you pay attention to details, there are a lot of wonderful things out there.

So, I hopped on board the Salsa Cycles Mukluk I have which I call "The Snow Dog", and I rumbled over towards the thin strand along the Black Hawk Creek.

Yep- No Motorized Vehicles!
I noticed those younginz have been out there on their quad recently. They made an appearance out there later in the winter months, but have been strangely absent all year since then until now. Not that the posted "No Motor Vehicles" sign means anything to them, nor that I mind all that much, but one-o-these-days, someone is liable to be walking out there, and these guys will K-O them into next week.

Hope that never happens.

Anyway, I made it beyond where I normally turn around and finish a loop, crossed the four lane, and went off to find the quad tracks gone, but the trees were laying across the trail here and there now. Normally this is a chance to bunny hop over them. So, I tried to do just that, only to have my big chain ring dig in and cause a ruckus. No- I didn't crash, but I got knocked out of whack a couple times before deciding that I shouldn't do that anymore. Sheesh! I suppose that is what bash guards are for, eh?

A feat of beaver engineering
I made it out to the end, and on the furthest end, I saw that several new "work arounds" had been made by fallen trees. Typically I don't like these sorts of detours, but in these cases, the work arounds were rather an improvement over what was otherwise a boring straight shot down the trail.

The Snow Dog was carving up the trails too. It is a unique feel on a fat-bike compared to my 29"ers though. I have to ride in a much different way than I typically do.

On the way back, I made sure I detoured to do the lake loop. I went back and did a quickie beach ride, which is really fun. I could have stayed another half an hour plunking around there, but time was getting short. I had to keep pressing on towards home.

Mrs. Guitar Ted was coming back home after a four day trip to the West Coast, so I wanted to make sure I was there to great her along with the kids, and our close family friend was making us all roast beef and potatoes for supper. Good thing I rode the fat-bike! I pushed hard enough that I was pretty tired by the time I got home.

Gotta keep riding this rig all winter. It'll sure help keep the weight down and the endorphins high!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like wilderness park for us. learned how to two-wheel-drift thru miles of turns. and i enjoy returning there over and over and over.
