Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ode To An Old Bag

The time was coming and I knew it. I couldn't put it off forever, but I wasn't quite ready to cut the ties just yet. Then, suddenly, an opportunity came and I opted to accept it. With that fateful decision made, the die was cast.

I'm sorry Old Bag, but it is time for me to move on......

The last load......
You were good. Really good, and I didn't think that we would get on as well as we did. When you came to me, I scoffed at the idea that I needed such a contraption to use for commuting, or for anything else, really. But I found that you, Old Bag, were awesome at hauling stuff I might need to repair my bike, and clothes that I needed to wear, or for other errands that I could do by bicycle. And that wasn't all. There were all the trips we went on as well.

The Old bag and I went to California and saw Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Francisco. We went to Texas, Utah, Nevada, and Minnesota.

We did events like the Dirty Kanza 200, Gravel Worlds, and The Renegade Gents Race together. We did CIRREM, a few Fargo Adventure Rides, and several Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitationals together. I don't even want to think about all those gravel road recon miles and Trans Iowas we did! 

We were in airports from Georgia to Illinois, Texas to Minnesota, and more. We went camping. We went on adventures by bicycle. Yeah.......there were a lot of memories with you, Old Bag, but now it is time to make memories with another.

 Even though you are not quite dead yet, you are showing your age. That zipper is getting worse, and the travel stained material is starting to show a lot of wear. You were good. You never complained through it all though, I'll hand that to ya.

All the times I over-stuffed you. All the times I hurriedly kicked you under an airplane seat. The bumping, the banging. The frozen slush, the wet mud. The time I left a muffin inside of you until it was pulverized to bits. (Not found until weeks later!) None of it fazed you in the least. I can only hope that your replacement is as hardy, as worthy as you are.

It isn't like I am throwing you out to the curb either. Oh no! I wouldn't do that to you, faithful Old Bag. Nope, but you've paid your dues, and now it is time for retirement. Thanks Old Bag, you done good!


  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I understand that attachment to a bag. I have one which I miss dearly. We did so much together, so many adventures, so make km of bike commuting. Yet alas the adventures came to an end on frightful day when the zipper no longer worked and the wear was making the materials thin.
    A good bag is a faithful companion, on you can trust in it's depths your secrets and treasures.
    Great post!

  2. I can fully understand the emotional angst from having to get rid of a much loved piece of kit that has served well over many years. I suffered the exact same reaction myself last year, when an ancient Carradice cotton duck saddlebag finally bit the dust.

    I'm not so clear on the reason for wanting to carry stuff on your back, when the bike can do that job for you. If it can't, that simply means you are riding the wrong bike.

  3. I once wrote an ode to an old bag.

    She left me shortly thereafter...

  4. I have one wearing thin around the edges,but it still has some useful life left still. I also have a pair of New Balance cross trainers I STILL insist on wearing mtn biking when I expect muddy trail...I've had 'em going FIFTEEN YEARS now,and the Wife keeps trying to throw them out,with all of their holes and scuffs. (for the record,the 2 pair of shoes I've been using since "retiring" those old 475's are the newer models of the same shoe ;) ). Those shoes have dirt from every state that's stateside but two from my trucking days,as well as have had trail dirt from 36 of 'em (states).....yeah,I feel you GT,it's hard to say goodbye.

    A really good read that brought a big smile (and a twang of greiving) to my face :)


  5. Well written GT. I didn't get the chance to farewell my Old bag. Returned to mates car post ride to find window smashed, bag gone with all my warm gear and faithful rain jacket.... made it to a shop just as it was closing to grab some warm clothes for the trip home only to mistakenly buy large in 'boys' sizing. I was warm but looked like a freak. Needless to say I hope my old bag decided to die and self destruct on those rotten pr*?s. :-)

  6. Kind of hard to tell the size or how it attches etc. But I just got Porcelin Rocket's Ground Control handlebar bag and I'll be writing a review soon.
