Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy (Fat) New Year!
Happy New Year ya'all! I hope it is filled with joy, love, and family good times. Great rides, miles of smiles, and new, shiny bikes and parts.

I'll be back tomorrow with a run down on By-Tor, the titanium Mukluk, and hopefully a ride report.

Stay tuned............


  1. That's it...One photo??? Very cruel, but I do love that purple. It is purple is it not???

  2. @Vito: Yes, you have it right. Purple it is. Tomorrow your curiosity will be satiated. Stay tuned.....

  3. Even from this picture, it's a very quality / reliable build, the uma rims have the best bead lock - you can run them at 1 psi and they hold, 1x9 setup. I like it!

  4. Happy New Year to you, Mark. See you around.
