Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Friday, April 27, 2012

Trans Iowa V8: The Pre-Race

Special Notice: To the regular readers of this blog: You will notice that for about the next week's worth of posts that the subject matter will be entirely about Trans Iowa. This event happens over the course of the weekend. You will notice several "Trans Iowa Radio" posts with an mp3-type audio track button which you can click on and listen in to reports filed live from the event. Then there will be a post race recapping of the event which typically takes five to seven posts for me to wade through. 

So, if this is not of interest to you, for whatever reason, plan on checking back in about a week. If you are curious, then hang in there. We're about to dive into the longest, most brutal, weirdest, crazy gravel road bicycle race on the face of the planet.....

 Okay folks, this is the day of the Pre-Race Meat-Up which happens starting at 4:00pm at the Grinnell Steakhouse in Grinnell, Iowa.

I have everything packed up in my truck and should be rolling out this morning to do a last minute check of the route from the start to Checkpoint Alpha 52 miles away. I do not want any surprises in the first 10 miles like we had last year.

Then it will be details like checking into my motel, setting up the Pre-Race, and getting going with the show. Of course, the big topic of discussion now is what exactly the weather will do. As of now, it seems that the rains will hold off till evening, then come off and on through until Saturday evening. Of course, the winds are scheduled to blow hard, and it will be cold. Some forecasts are calling for a high Saturday to only reach the mid-40's. Then it is supposed to clear off. Of course, it will be very cold for late April. Close to freezing. Sunday will seem bucolic and peaceful by comparison with scheduled sunny skies and cold, but warmer temps than Saturday.

There will be "Trans Iowa Radio" posts, barring any technical difficulties, here on this blog starting this afternoon and running through until the close of the event on Sunday afternoon. Also, you can follow the event on Twitter by searching the hashtag #tiv8 .

Okay, well that's it until I get a chance to post in the traditional manner here again late Sunday. Hope ya'all have a great weekend, and stay tuned for all the Trans Iowa V8 stuff you can handle coming here soon!

1 comment:

  1. To paraphrase @mw's Monday comnment:
