Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, April 30, 2012

Trans Iowa V8: What A Weekend!

Okay, just a quick post today, because I am bushed. Trans Iowa V8 was a success, fun, a long slog, surprising, shocking, fun, a meeting of old friends, a making of new friends, weird, fun, bizarre, and did I mention it was fun?

Eric Brunt wins, 19 finishers in all, mass quantities of folks passed through the checkpoints, and between the weather and the competitors, there were enough flip-flops to keep everyone on their toes.

Oh yeah- "300 Miles of Gravel" was shown. It was, (if I may say so), awesome. You should see it.

Okay- I'll start a full on race recap Tuesday. Stay tuned!


  1. A big thank you for all the hard work, both from yourself and the other volunteers, to put on this very challenging event.

    BTW, on your TransIowa site I counted 19 names on the finishers' list, not 17 (14th place was 3 finishers with same time).

  2. What a weekend... Congratulations to all who participated and especially to those who "got 'er done."

    There are so many inspiring stories to tell, it's hard to know where to start...

  3. Great job Mark to you and all of your volunteers. Amy and I were huddled in the coat room off and on throughout the wedding reception listening to your reports. To say I was "on the edge of my seat" would be quite an understatement.

    Thanks for the updates about my boy, Farrow!

  4. @Tom: I will be making an announcement concerning how that can happen after the race reports.

    @Exhausted_Auk: You are correct, of course. My lack of sleep did not allow for such detailed calculations yesterday! Also- thank you for coming out and riding the event. I appreciate your comments very much.

    @MG: You nailed it my friend. Too many great stories, but we should try to tell them. They deserve that much, I think.

    @Tim Ek: I was thinking of you as well, my friend. Thanks for checking in on our madness, and I am glad Mr. Farrow came through it all unscathed.
