Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gettin' Ready For Something

Breezer in The Green Belt
Did I mention that I did another ride this past weekend? No? Well, I did. It was a quick out and back on the entire Green Belt trail. I didn't stop but once at the halfway/turn around, and I pushed it pretty hard.

Why? Well......I keep thinking about December and early January when I was getting ready to do the Triple D event in Dubuque. I was riding extra times, at night, and longer after work. I had a goal in mind. I think I benefited from that and it got me to a better place health and fitness-wise than I had been in.

I purposefully put off doing anything that smacked of "Training" after the Renegade Gents Race in early April due to Trans Iowa. I mean- it isn't like I need to stress myself more at that time! But now I think I need to get a focus on an event, or goal to aim for. Some motivation to do that little bit extra to take it another notch higher. And I think I have just the thing.

I have the Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational coming up, but that isn't the end goal for me. Nope! Oh.....I do have to do a big focus on riding for the GTDRI though, don't get me wrong. That's going to be a brutal event. Lots of hills. But my idea is for something a bit later than that. An event the GTDRI will happen just ahead of. (And ain't Rag-bree!) You'll find out later.....

1 comment:

  1. Please post a picture of you without the beard.
