Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, August 06, 2012

Making Plans To Go: Part II

I made a veiled reference awhile ago to getting my titanium Mukluk readied for something. Well here is how things have progressed so far.

I will now set out a few parameters for my goal here so you all will maybe understand a bit better how I am approaching this.

  • Low Budget: Everything I am trying to throw together here is mostly stuff I already have. I needed two Salsa Cycles Anything Cages though, so those were the "components" I referenced in my introduction to this. I very well may have to purchase a couple of other small items, but for the most part, I have to keep the budget low. Really low!
  • Practice: I am getting to a point where soon I will begin "practices". This will entail the setting up and taking down of my gear in my back yard to familiarize myself with the processes and to refine my gear while I don't have to rely on its performances yet. I already see some things I want to refine just from setting up the gear for this photo! 
  • Once I refine my gear choices and am familiar with my set up/tear down/packing process, I will need to do some field testing in the form of some "S24O" attempts. (Sub 24 Hour Over nighters)
I have a few questions to answer in terms of gear that I know will get cleared up by doing the practices. I have a shelter option I may use, and I need to get a penny stove constructed and set up for use to cook with. Finally, I am going to get a fuel storage bottle of some sort, (again, likely something I already have), to put fuel for the stove into. Lights will also be a thing I need to work out. I may be doing a bit of travel in darkness.

If these plans gel as I hope, there is a bigger goal in mind. I hope to share it with you at some point, but now isn't the time. If there are any suggestions for my budget bikepacking set up, I am all ears. Please leave a comment.....


  1. Remeber that inexpensive can also include borrowing items from people that aren't using them.

  2. A really great stove to consider is the Mini Heat made by smokeeater908. I've been using this one for a while, it fuels my caffeine needs when doing long trail rides. Well worth the price.

    Shelter, a good ole silicon nylon tarp setup is my choice. I'm in process of making a duomid style tent like what black diamond offers. It's s multifunctional shelter choice.

    Best of luck getting your setup sorted out!

  3. hey mark...remind me of the pannier company you mentioned on the gtdri...

  4. What's on your bars and how are you holding it up there? I'm looking for a rack or support to lift my front bag up off my hydraulic lines... Just in case.

  5. @mw: Was it Ortlieb? I just mounted some for a customer at work. really nice and they have a super easy attach/detach design.

    @Mel: I have a lightweight 40* bag there attached with Salsa straps from the Anything Cage. I am not super pleased with the way it is, but the bag is so light, I don't think any harm would come of it to leave it like that. That said, I am looking at alternatives.
