Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, November 05, 2012

It All Starts Now

Hoping to spend lots of time out here this winter.
I hinted around in my posting from the weekend that I had some goals in mind for the near future. well, I suppose I will just out them all right now. Much of what happens next season for me in cycling has to start right now.

First up, I want to get my Trans Iowa V9 recon wrapped up before the end of this month. That would put me ahead of schedule to get the cue sheets proofed, and all that would remain there would be a final check in the Spring. I can easily get this out of the way, and I am confident I will. It needs to be done to allow for my peace of mind in attempting the rest of this that follows. Oh yeah.....and today is the day that Finishers can register for T.I.V9! Look for a roster update in the evening.

Second on the List: I think I am looking at another Triple D try. I went last January, and it was a learning experience, a lot of fun, and I finished the course. My wife came along and we both enjoyed our time there. So, that's definitely on my radar again.

Then after that I may try and fit in an early gravel event, but weather and Trans Iowa's course checking must be done first. Then Trans Iowa in late April will be my main focus come springtime. After that, it is full focus on the Dirty Kanza 200

Since I'll need to squeeze in training anywhere I can for the DK 200, I think I'll really be conservative with committing to any events past the Triple D. Most everything I do as far as "non-TNI" riding will have to be getting ready for that hot Kansas event June 1st. I really want to finish it off this time. I know it all starts right now, so I'll be doing things a bit differently this winter.


  1. Big plans,my friend-but if anyone I "know" can do it,I know it's you!

    Can't wait to read all about how you accomplish each :)

    The DC

  2. @The Disabled Cyclist: Thanks man! I'll be giving it my best effort. Stay tuned.....

  3. Yep! Kick it this winter Ted!

  4. Focus is a good thing and it almost always pays off. I will be pulling for you to finish the DK. :)

  5. Hope you can make Odin's Revenge this year Mark !! It should a be a good one again this year. Happy training my friend !!
    Take care

  6. @Captain Bob, @ Steve Fuller: Thanks guys. I appreciate the good vibes. @ Chad Q: I really want to make your event this year. That and the Gravel Worlds are the only others on the radar, but I'm focusing on DK for now.
