Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Barns For Jason: Trans Iowa Recon Version

When I get out in the country, be it by bicycle or other vehicles, I like to grab new barn pictures for my friend Jason. It's been kind of an inside joke for a long time, but "barn hunting" has taken on a new life of its own with me, and I just continue to post more of these barn themed entries to the blog.

Along with that I have had a new commission for windmill images from Paul of the U.K. With that in mind, here are all the barn and windmill images from Sunday's Trans Iowa V9 recon:

And there are even more that I haven't posted just from that 140 + mile gravel trip Sunday! Hope ya'all enjoy those.


  1. You have an eye for images! Thank you for sharing the pictures.

  2. @Tim: You are too kind! If anything, I could be considered the "anti-photographer" of photogs out there. I certainly did not follow the "rules" when it came to capturing those images, but I like them, and I hope more folks enjoy them as you seem to.

    Thanks for the compliments!
