Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Endless Winter

I keep seeing this guy around....
The Beach Boys did an album back in the day called "Endless Summer". I wonder what sort of music an album called 'Endless Winter" might have on it. Certainly dirges sung in a minor key would be the predominate feeling. At least I would think so....

I looked at the calendar and it said March 18th, but I tell ya, it was more January 18th, what with the howling winds, snow drifting around, and the dive bombing mercury in my thermometer. March? Really? You've got to be kidding me. And it looks as though we'll even blow through this entire month without a single day out of the 40's. It is so weird to think about that.

So, I have become a bit annoyed. Grumpy, you might say. My wife has noticed this. I think my kids are on to me as well. I've a feeling I need to be left alone at times to be less of a "Negative Nancy" around others. More sunshine is needed, and more warm air. Less layers, and more short sleeves and ghastly white legs showing. It's just been way too long, ya know?

And it isn't just me either. I know riding has been tough. Training for events early in the season has been tougher. I suspect many Trans Iowa riders are pretty sick of indoor trainers right about now. Then you have the cycling businesses. It's been hurt by this stuff too. Last year we were all hands on deck by now and getting further behind. Now we're cruising along like it is February. That isn't good.

I keep getting weird thoughts like it must be because I still have my beard. If I shaved it, Spring might come. But then I come to my senses. I even saw a saying the other day online that purported the sign of Spring is when the Turkey Vultures come back. When you see them, it won't snow anymore. I saw three Turkey Vultures Sunday.

Monday it snowed.

This endless Winter is getting me down. I think I'll go pick up my guitar and write a song called "Aborted Crocus". Don't bother me until its 70° and sunny.........


  1. Definitely ready for spring and warmer temps in this household. I rode outside both days this weekend, but I really would have liked to have ridden on Friday when it actually hit the 50s here. Nope, 32F and winds in the 20MPH range on Saturday and 25F with 13 MPH winds on Sunday. Leaking waterbottles in your jersey are not fun at 25F...

    Gopher wheel for me again tonight. If I add up the "miles" I've ridden on it so far this winter, I might be sick.

  2. Punxsutawney Phil is a liar!!

  3. beef jerky and scotch kept us warm on sunday

  4. When it warms up you will be at the shop by a blizzard of activity. Just like the blizzards we had this winter. lol
