Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Announcing Trans Iowa V10

The "umofficial" official V10 logo
Well, I did it again......I decided to put on Trans Iowa for the 10th time. Ten is a significant number in a lot of ways for me in regards to this event. Some of the reasons for that will hopefully get shared in the future, but for now, suffice it to say that this is a milestone for me personally. It may not mean anything to anybody else, but that's okay. It does to me.

So, for no other reason than, "I made it to ten", there will be some special things going on attached to Trans Iowa V10 that I will detail out in the future, but I wanted to make one thing clear about this event coming up on April 26th-27th, 2014. I am not going to go across the state, point to point, as the first two were planned to be. However; for those out there that were maybe looking forward to something point to point, across Iowa, there will be something.  It will not be something that happens concurrently with the regular running of Trans Iowa. Stay tuned.....

I also hope to make this event special in some way for those that will be attending it, and I have a few ideas that I am working on. There will be a new route, as you might expect, and that also is being worked on now as well. What will not change is where the route starts from, (Grinnell), and my effort to put on the best Trans Iowa that I possibly can.

I won't have anything specific to say on Registration or other fine details for awhile yet, but it's on. Trans Iowa V10 will be happening next April.


  1. looking foward to it!

  2. Praise the Lord! The Slender Fungus will lay awake all night due to this announcement. It is without saying that we are very happy to hear this and you have our full support in anything you need.
    Slender Fungus Cycling Association.

  3. Congratulations, Mark!

    Sure to be another stellar experience for all fortunate enough to participate.

    Looking at eastern Iowa maps now . . .

    Craig Groseth

  4. I'll be there to commemorate the milestone!

    Cheers Brother!

  5. YAY! Thanks, GT, looking forward to it!

  6. Thanks guitar Ted! I can't wait!

  7. Maybe not SS next time, but definately in!

  8. Already looking forward to it. Maybe not SS next time though.

  9. Thank you Mark! I was in for this one as soon as V9 was finished.
