Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Best Of The Post Cards

Trans Iowa registration has closed and all the post cards are in. Here's a sampling of what I thought were the best.....

I was an Art Major in college, so I have always liked the more "painterly" looking cards like this one from an Arkansas entrant.

I don't know what to say here other than it is "terminally cute". And I had a cat as a boy. There's that, I suppose.

Gotta pick this one, since I am a bicycle mechanic. Plus the caligraphy is nice on the backside, which you get a hint of here.

This isn't all that spectacular, but it was driven, (along with a very similar looking card), from 5 hours away to be hand delivered and there is a personal story about overcoming adversity attached to each entrant. I was very humbled and honored by this. Sometimes it isn't what the card looks like, but more about the stories behind them. This and its companion card are great examples of that.

Hmm.......yeah! There were three cards that were a bit cheeky. This is the "nicest" of the three I can post here on the blog! (It is also the most humorous of the three.)

Every year I get some very folksy, heartfelt entries like this. I especially am attracted to the Iowa map based ones, for obvious reasons.

And this year's best card, hands down, is this "gem" of a card. Looking at it I was super impressed by the detail, textures, and colors this card has. I was super bummed it got damaged in transit, but it still rocks!

Some honorable mentions from the Veteran Class. All the rest are rookie cards. It seems like the Rookies always put a lot of effort into their post cards, and I appreciate that.

And on Agatha's card, (which I really liked, by the way), I had to obscure her e-mail address, so that is why the orange pencil is there!

Thanks for brightening my November!


  1. That is just plain awesome! We are already off to a great start. Congrats to all and I can't wait to ride and meet all of you.

  2. The postcards have to be one of the coolest aspects of TI for you. Do you have a collection of your favorite entries over the years? It would be really cool to do a retrospective of the best postcards sometime. They seem to serve as a really neat physical record of this great event.

  3. @jkruse: Yes, you are right. I really have enjoyed the post cards over the years. Somewhere around here I have a lot of them stored, but by no means do I have all of them!

    I've often thought about showing the more impressive ones.
