Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, May 29, 2014


My son and classmates. He's second in from left in the middle row.
Life is full of little markers. We have our birthdays, wedding anniversarys, deaths, divorces, and the first time we kissed someone. Yesterday was a milestone for my son, and......well, for me also, I suppose. My son was promoted from 5th grade. Next year he goes to Middle School.

I and his aunt attended since they had the ceremonies just after lunch. Great job of scheduling so my wife, who works five days a week, could attend. (sarcasm intended) Anyway, at least someone was there for him. He's worked hard and this didn't come easy for him.

I suppose a 5th grade promotion ceremony could be seen as somewhat goofy. We never had such things when I was young. You simply walked out of school in the elementary building one day and walked into the Junior High School in the fall. No fanfare, well.......unless your Grandma gave you an embarrassing kiss and pinched your cheek during the Summer between semesters. It wasn't seen as a "big deal" back then.

And maybe that was a problem. You see, I never thought of school as being "important" then and for a long time afterward because no one seemed to care, or make a fuss about it. Now we do, and I think that is the better way.

Jungle time in Iowa: Riding the Milwaukee Bicycle Co Single Speed
Before all the festivities I went out for a brief ride on the Milwaukee Bicycle Company single speed. The greenery has been fast in its advance since the warm weather broke and it is full on Summer-like jungle out there already. Mosquitoes are busy looking for likely subjects, but thankfully, since it has been drier, their numbers are not what they could be.

The single track was littered still in last Fall's detritus and the contrast between new and decay was sort of jarring in places. No matter- the grip levels were up and I was flying along at pretty good speeds when I felt the need to. It was a good, twisty-turny ride in the woods, which I had all to myself once again.

However; the promotion ceremony scheduled for just past noon and the fact that I needed to install the upstairs window air conditioner meant that I had to cut things back on the riding time. Gotta keep the peace at home! I was just glad to have gotten a little more dirt time in on primo trail. It was fun, and I could have stayed all afternoon, but it wasn't to be. That was okay too, since I had a bit of a milestone to mark later. It was a good one to see pass too.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your little guy completing 5th Grade. My daughter also finished 5th grade and she will be going to Jr. High this fall.
