Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Registration Daze Update #4

John Gorilla (facing camera) at CP#1 in T.I.V8
The registration process has finished now for the past Winners and Finishers of Trans Iowas. Fittingly, the last card is from a Trans Iowa fixture, former winner of V4, John Gorilla.

While there are lots of individuals that I can honestly say are capable of winning Trans Iowa, none are more driven, hard core, or as gracious and kind as John Gorilla. At least to me, this has been observed as being the case.

This addition to the roster is very interesting. In many ways, it makes Trans Iowa V11 one to watch closely. I wrote last time that I thought the field was strong, and now with Gorilla added, it is much more so. I expect that unless John has turned over a new leaf, we can expect fireworks right out of the gate this Spring. John's style is to push the pace hard at the front, and I suspect that will again be the case for this version of Trans Iowa.

I am even more interested now to see how this course plays into the styles of racing I know several of the riders will pursue at Trans Iowa this Spring. Depending on the weather, this one could be a spectacular event from several standpoints. I am obviously biased, but I am totally stoked by the roster so far, and for me, this is like "getting the band back together" and a family reunion all wrapped up into one crazy bicycle ride.

Also- There were five "gun jumpers" whose cards were in too early. Remember- if your name isn't on the roster, your entry didn't count due to missing the date, or other reasons. Finally, since there were left over spots from the first stage of registration, I am adding an additional 10 spots to the Vet's pool for a total of 50 available spots. 

I have a particular interest in some developments behind the scenes. If you think things are getting interesting now, just hold on to your hats folks. It's just getting started........

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