Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Friday, January 16, 2015

#psyck Part 2 where are all the fat bike tracks?!!
Having been put out of commission for about two weeks and getting very little in the way of "fun riding" in, I have been getting a bit grumpy of late. Fortunately for those around me, I was (mostly) able to keep "Mr. Grumpypants" in check. There were a few unfiltered outbursts, but that seems to be in the past now. In fact, I can say that this flu- or whatever it is- has finally been starting to come out of me.

It has been getting good enough that I decided to risk riding to work on Wednesday and back. I'll tell ya what- that was an eye opener! My fitness has flown South with the birds in search of warmer, and healthier, weather. My heart rate was so intense going up the hill by the water tower that I allowed myself a five minute cool down period. That was going to work. Coming home I took it easy and yesterday I felt fine waking up, so at least I wasn't going backward on my health gains. Another commute to work, and this time I didn't have to take a break going.

Now after work, I was going to take "the long way home", but how long was the question. I didn't want to over do it, but I also wanted to explore what I had been missing the past week and a half or so with regard to snow opportunities on the fat bike. I figured I would find a nicely tracked in trail. As I got down on Hackett going underneath the Trolley Car Trail overpass, I saw a familiar figure with some XC skis and his wife in tow. He said something about my fat bike and said that he had seen "your tracks all over". Well......they weren't my tracks! But that bode well for finding tracked in trail. Only it didn't.

In all my meandering, I found one set of fat bike tracks and lots of ped traffic and dog paw marks. Oh well! I made some tracks, but seeing as how the temperature was 35°F yesterday, and will be that for today and tomorrow, the snow is going to take a big hit. At least I got to get in one decent ride on snow. Who knows what February will bring, but January looks to close out with little to no snow as the forecast looks a bit too warm with no precip coming, at least that's the outlook now. Hopefully my outlook is for better health in the coming days!


  1. GT, I'm with you on the grumpies. I haven't been on a bike yet this year, for similar reasons.

  2. @Exhausted_Auk : Oh my! I am sorry to read this news. I wish you a speedy recovery!

    This has been a rough Winter with regard to illness. My wife tells me that there are now three strains of flu viruses being detected in patients and that the hospital is brimming with sick folk.

    Spring- Where art Thou?!!
