Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, January 05, 2015

Speeding To The Sunset

Not too late!
I had been not feeling so great for a while but Sunday dawned and I felt a lot better. Not 100%, but a lot better. No headache, no leg pain, and I seemed to be a lot more "normal" than not. I noticed it snowed a couple inches over night, and driving to the church gig was a bit sketchy due to the fresh powder on the roadways. However; you can accomplish amazing things in a two wheel drive truck by using judicious throttle control, at least I have found that to be the case!

I thought it might be fun to hit up some Green Belt snow when I got back and after I had eaten some lunch, but several things kind of got in the way of that before my "window of opportunity" opened up. When it did, I noticed that the Sun was lowering in the Western sky and I could possibly get to the lake and grab a good Sunset image if I hurried. Boots, layers, inner liners, hats, coat, lights, and what not make getting out the door quickly an interesting proposition, so I did not know if I would have enough time to get there before the good light was gone.

I think I did okay. 
The crunch of the Lou tires was an uncommonly heard note this Winter, but I welcomed it all the same. Interestingly, it is very apparent that the Lou gives you lots of traction at the expense of rolling resistance. Those lugs really dig in! I was still in the "high range" and riding the Snow Dog v2, so it made for some good work for the legs and lungs. I motored up the dike and stood on the pedals. It felt good, so I kept on the gas all the way out to the lake.

That was a good decision as far as staying warm as well, since the air temperature was something close to 0°F and the wind was blowing right at me, making it even colder. I dove down into the woods off the dike and got out of the direct line of the wind and that helped keep me from getting too frozen. Obviously, I made it to where I wanted to be before Sunset. I snapped a few images, then sped off toward home.

I felt pretty good afterward, so maybe the sickness is gone? Let's hope so! We're supposed to get a bunch of snow late today into tomorrow. Bitter cold temperatures too, but that'll maybe just make slogging through the snow that much more fun.

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