Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

I spent some time with my son Friday evening and Saturday.
Father's Day- Usually we see how Father's Day is pitched in the media and socially. Ya know.....Dad gets to grill out, catch a ball game, or do whatever special interest thing that a Dad would do, alone, or with other Dad's. I don't get that at all.....

To my mind, Father's Day should be spent with those that "made you a father" in the first place. Ya know...... your kids? 

Those special little lives, (or now, not so little), that qualified you to be a "father" in the first place. They are just looking to you, if you are a father, for a clue, an example, and to be influenced. Be that guy today....

I usually don't get to far off the subject of bicycles here, but today, it feels like this is the time to maybe put something a little more important than bicycles ahead and post about that. We could all use more Fathers being good fathers.

Anyway, that's all I have to say today. That and....

Happy Father's Day.


  1. Happy Father's Day to you, too! Spot on!

  2. Relationships with a bike may be less frustrating than with children, but when did a bike ever hug you or share tenderness with you? I'm grateful my daughters keep me as their dad!
