Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Trans Iowa v12: Recon Trip

We are expecting conditions to be about perfect for recon
If you are reading this during the daylight hours of 10/3/15, we're probably bouncing down the gravel roads in The Truck With No Name doing recon for Trans Iowa v12. It promised to be a spectacular day to get this done, and our aim is to fly as fast as we can go to our start point, get the entire loop done, and be back home late in the evening.

Along the way we plan on stopping at one of our favorite cafes for breakfast, seeing lots and lots of harvesting going on, and probably dodging lots of grain trucks along very dusty roads.

It'll be tough to get the 330 plus miles in and the travel to and fro, but we'll give it our best shot. We likely will get it done if we don't run into any closed roads, closed bridges, or mismarked roads. If we manage to pull it off, we'll be moving on to number crunching, and then we will do an actual cue sheet for our Spring recon where we double check everything and get the green light on the way the cues are written. But first the goal is tomorrow's complete recon, and then we will see what we have to do from there.

Stay tuned for a recon report complete with pics from the course coming Monday or so......


  1. This is a massive commitment of time and effort on your part (JF too!). I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated as always by the riders, when they have a good route and accurate cue sheets to follow.

  2. @Exhausted_Auk: Thank you very much!

  3. Having planned, plotted, and hosted a number of gravel events in west-central MN, I know what goes into events. Mine are nowhere near the popularity nor distance of Trans Iowa. I applaud G Ted for all the hours and emotional energy that goes into this event for over a decade. AND it's still free!
