Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Trans Iowa v12: Registration Is Over

The light at the end of the registration tunnel
Registration for Trans Iowa v12 is over. Today, it will all be settled after a drawing from a pool of 73 names to determine the Rookie Class of 40 riders. That registration drawing will occur at 4:00pm today on Periscope. After that, the registration process will be done and all we have to do is wait for Spring for the next "hurdle" to be crossed when we revisit the course to verify it and our cue sheets before they get printed.

Barring any big sponsorship announcements, this will be the last post about Trans Iowa here for some time. I'm sure many of you won't mind that at all!

Comments: So with that, I have a few observations on Trans Iowa's 12th roster of riders. Obviously, the front runner in the event has to be Greg Gleason. He was the only rider to get past CP#1 last year, and of course, he won T.I.v10 handily. John Williams was running at the front of T.I.v10 when a mechanical took him out of the running on Saturday night. He has to be gunning for revenge on T.I. and I would look for him to be at the front if all goes well at T.I.v12. Another good pick to win or do well is Eric Brunt, and he has been a front runner in several T.I. events, and won T.I.v8. I would place Sarah Cooper up there as a threat to win as well. Another very strong contender for the overall, or at least the Open Womens class is Monika Sattler.

Depending upon how things shake out, we could have a Single Speed/Fixed gear rider win the overall. Troy Krause has come in second place over all two times on a single speed, and Mark Johnson did it once as well. Finally, if the Rookie drawing works in his favor, Dan Hughes, multiple Dirty Kanza 200 winner overall, has to be considered here as a threat to win the overall. But first- his name would have to be drawn out in the lottery today. We'll see........

So, anyway, that's the look at the pointy end of the event, as I see things. The rest of the crew makes up the remainder of the "Trans Iowa Family". Folks I have been seeing once a year for years in some cases. I hold them all in high regard and am sincerely humbled that they have chosen to come again to another Trans Iowa. Thank You! 

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