Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Geezer Ride 2016 Announcements

Geezer Ride v3
Okay folks, there is some news to share about the Geezer Ride gravel grinders I put on here in Iowa. If you've no idea what in the world I am talking about, go HERE for some back ground info. I'll just say that the Geezer Ride is the perfect introduction to gravel road riding where you can hang with other like minded gravelists and ask any ol' question you want and get a calm, reasoned response. It's also a great time for anyone that likes cruising gravel roads. Racers are welcome, but this ain't no race. It's a good time. Recreational pace. No one left behind.

Okay, nuff said there. The next Geezer Ride will likely be May 7th. We did it in April last year just before Trans Iowa and we lucked out and got a good weekend, but April weather is often iffy, so I wanted to back things off till after Trans Iowa. Okay, so there's the next Geezer Ride date, where will it be this time? I always move the location around, so until just the other day, I didn't know where we'd go. Now I do.....

The next Geezer Ride will take place out of Williamsburg, Iowa. My friend Martin will be in charge of the route, and we look to do around 40-ish miles of scenic gravel and Level B Roads in and around Williamsburg. We ran Trans Iowa v5 out of this city back when, and I've routed several versions of Trans Iowa near there, so I can vouch for the beauty of the roads and we should be in for a good time.

Stay tuned for more details or keep checking in at the Geezer Ride site. There will be a late Summer Geezer Ride as well slated for early/mid August. No firm date or location yet for this one, but suggestions are always welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. This is the real reason I bought a Fargo! Hope I can be part of this.....
