Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Trans Iowa v12: With A Little Help From My Friends

The Truck With No Name wasn't the only thing toting a lighter load this year!
Trans Iowa v12's report is going to look a little different this year than it has in years past for other Trans Iowa events. After doing the event for 12 years, the reports all start looking the same. Pre-Race Meat-Up, starting line, yada-yada-yada..... Samo-ol, same-ol. Blah....

So I was thinking that instead of the same old formula, I would just hit the things that impressed me the most about putting this on again. I am going to speak to some of the "inner workings" of Trans Iowa. Some of the stuff no one sees, and few know about, maybe. If it is a race break down you want, well, you won't get that from me this year. There are a billion Facebook posts that will satisfy that craving if that is your cup of tea. Blogs are dead for that. Everybody just does a Facebook post with an image and Bam! Movin' on.........

Okay, so the first thing I wanted to say about T.I.v12 is that I have some amazing friends. Just amazing. That wasn't always the case. Four years ago, when I was left with doing a Trans Iowa without a partner, I was driven by the singular theory that goes something like this: "if ya want it done right, do it yerself! The ball had been dropped in many ways over the previous years in areas that I was not going to allow to be anything less than perfect going into T.I.v8. I had a belly full o fire, and it carried me on through that one with a good result. But that wasn't a "sustainable model", so to speak.

Friends: The most valuable asset a man can have.
I made it through Trans Iowas 9 and 10 merely based upon a goal of quitting after 10. However; during those years I found out that letting go of the reins a bit was feeling good. I had gained a few friends that were coming alongside of me to partner in the effort that it takes to produce one of these deals. People that are integral to the event, like Jeremy Fry, Wally Kilburg, George Keslin, Mike Baggio, Arik Gum, Mike Johnson, Tony McGrane, Steve Fuller, and my brother from another mother, Matt Gersib.

So, proceeding past T.I.v10 became a reality, mostly due to how I gained these friends and because of their talents and abilities. The stability and support of people and entities like Bikes To You/Craig Cooper, the Grinnell Steakhouse, and the City of Grinnell were also huge keys to my abilities to make a Trans Iowa a reality.

This year, I let go a little more, and the result was that now more people than ever are invested into the "family" and feel a part of something bigger than themselves. I gained peace of mind, less stress, and the ability to play more to my strengths and talents. It has been eye opening, humbling, and I have been immensely blessed. I have a great group of friends and people that want to come alongside me now to be a part of Trans Iowa, and I find that it has made the event better than ever.

You know what? The riders even see it. I was told by one of my volunteers, Todd, who did Checkpoint #1 and the observation post 60 miles from the finish that almost to a person everyone made mention of how thankful they were for his service to Trans Iowa. I mean, how awesome is that?

So, do not make the mistake that it is I that makes Trans Iowa what it is, or has ever been. "I get by with a little help from my friends", and that's the real secret to the success of Trans Iowa.

Next: Gypsy Road


  1. Amen, Brother! It was a fun adventure we had out there!

  2. You looked more relaxed compared to previous years. As a former TI rider/finisher I can appreciate the time, energy and commitment that it takes to put on a top notch event. I know it's not easy to let got of the reins. Thanks for trusting in me to help out with some aspects of the event. Yes, there were a couple of minor issues with the cues sheet sets.
